Facts About Quitaque
City: Quitaque
County: Briscoe County
State: TX / Texas
Elevation: 2,570 ft.
City Type: City (Category as used for US Census purposes)
Latitude: 34.366412
Longitude: -101.055286
Land Area: 1862205 square meters / 0.719001 square miles
(Within city boundaries as defined for US Census purposes)
Quitaque Age and Gender Demographics
Total Population: 432 (per 2000 US Census)
Male: 201
Female: 231
Median Age: 41.8
Quitaque Relationships and Households
No. of Housing Units: 252
No. of Owned Units: 137
No. of Rented Units: 45
Average Household Size: 2.37
Average Family Size: 3.04
Thanks to Maps-n-Stats for this information
Fun Facts
- Beth Williams wrote a song entitled "Quitaque." For more information see Beth Williams' web site and check out the "One Empty Chair" album.
- First city in the United States to have a totally wireless telephone system. It was installed by GTE in 1991, but two years later we reverted back to wire.
- Home town of Jimmy Ross - President Lions Club International 2006 - 2007.
- Voted "One of the Ten Hardest Working Communities in Texas" in 2005 and again in 2006 by Texas Department of Agriculture.
- Our dark starry nights make Quitaque a favorite place for astronomers with their telescopes.
- Do we have more nicknames per capita than any other city in Texas? (Check out the list at the Valley Farm Store.)
- Quitaque (kit-ta-kway) is one of the most mispronounced city names in the USA.
- The walls of our city park and cemetery were built by the WPA (Work Projects Administration) 1938 - 1940.
- Home of not one, but two Texas state parks. Can you name them?
- Part of the old Ozark Trail. (Our monument, buried in the street in the 1930s, will soon be excavated.)
- Home of the official Texas state bison herd. Ted Turner recently donated 3 bison bulls to the herd.
- The area was Indian country to the Comanche, Plains Apache, Cheyenne and Kwahadi tribes.
- One of the many hunting areas of Quanah Parker, the last major chief of the Comanche Indians.
- The area of Camp Resolution and "The Valley of Tears."
- Just ten miles west of Turkey, Texas, home of Bob Wills, "The King of Country Western Swing."
- Caprock Canyons State Park was voted BEST STATE PARK in 2004 by readers of Texas Co-op Power Magazine.
- "Walking for the Cure" (for cancer) is a big deal for Briscoe County and the surrounding towns of Silverton, Turkey, Flomot and Quitaque. Since 1999 we have been in the top 5 counties in Texas in donations per capitia and once we were 3rd in the nation at $10.88 per person in the county. In 2008 we raised over $16,000 with "Cooking for the Cure" (this is our new program where we get together for a meal, silent auction and games).